We invite you to arrange a visit, have a play and meet the dedicated staff in our beautiful bushland preschool
Please contact us for all enrolment enquiries
6494 1847
- Ring the preschool and put your child’s name on the waiting list and arrange a time to visit.
- Families will be offered a place by the end of Term 3 for the following year.
We endeavour to meet the needs of children and families in our community while complying with the Priority of Access Guidelines defined by our funding agreement with the NSW government. In no particular order these include:
- Children in their year before school ( with highest priority given to children closest to school entry).
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- Children with disabilities
- Children from low income families
- Children who are at risk of harm.
Children from the Tathra Public School local catchment are also prioritised.
The enrolment priority of access is diligently applied to ensure a fair and equitable process for all
We look forward to meeting your family soon