
Crunch, Munch and Sip: Eat a rainbow everyday

Lifelong healthy eating habits are one of the best gifts we can give our children.

Choose water as a drink is one of our key messages. The Department of Health recommends water daily. Fruit juice and cordial is referred to as “a sometimes food” and not appropriate for daily consumption.

We like to avoid packaged foods. Fresh vegies and fruit, sandwiches, last night’s dinner are all good to encourage healthy eating at preschool and help us reduce our rubbish. Chocolate, lollies, flavoured yoghurt (which are high in sugar) and chips are classified as “sometimes foods” and not recommended as part of children’s daily food intake and not appropriate for Preschool.

In line with Dietary Guidelines all food brought from home including sandwiches will be refrigerated at a safe temperature until eaten. Please use a plastic lunch box for this purpose. Avoid the use of thermal bags as they keep the cold out when stored in the fridge. Please do not send foods that need to be heated, as the Preschool does not have the resources to do this

Please provide nutritious foods and drinks. There are lots of healthy and delicious everyday snacks to choose from. Here are some ideas:

  • Sandwiches and wraps with vegies, meat and cheese fillings
  • Vegetable sticks and dip or salsa

Here is a link to the Healthy Kids website which is a great resource for healthy eating and living for your child and the whole family.

Healthy Kids

We have provide some fact sheets below on healthy lunches and what to bring and what to avoid from the Munch & Move program.

Healthy Lunchboxes Fact Sheet

Smart Snack Swap

Healthy Snacks

For some inspiration there is also a link below which has lots of good ideas for lunch salad options.

lunch salad options